Tuesday, January 4, 2011

John Daly and Coolum, Australia don't get along so well

Back in 2002 at Coolum, Australia, John Daly had one of those epic golf meltdowns that we all dream of, but rarely carry off. After carding a triple-bogey 7 at Coolum's Hyatt course, he slung his putter and ball into a nearby pond and didn't sign for the 78 he recorded. Boom, instant DQ, instant local legend. He was later fined $5,600 and ordered to write what I'm sure was a heartfelt apology letter to the official he chewed out.

Daly returned to Coolum this week for the Australian PGA, and while no clubs ended up in ponds, the round ended the same ignominious way. Daly shot an ugly 11-over 83 in the second round, and (obviously) missed the cut, his second missed cut in two weeks. His round this time around included a triple bogey, three double bogeys and three bogeys, plus one lonely birdie.

We all have some ugly rounds, but this one's for the books. Still, Daly is doing the best thing he possibly can -- actually playing the game -- and as long as he returns to the clubhouse with the same number of clubs he left with, all's good with us.

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/golf/blog/golf_experts/post/John-Daly-and-Coolum-Australia-don-t-get-along-?urn=golf-294276

Riley Nash Greg Nemisz Kris Newbury Scott Nichol

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